Strategy and Management


Corticeira Amorim's Sustainability Strategy is aligned not only with the Company's Values ​​and Mission and in-house policies, but also with its commitment to stakeholders and to the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Implementation is achieved through the involvement of top management and the teams responsible for implementation of sustainability initiatives

Regular stakeholder consultation is considered to be essential for definition and subsequent validation of strategic options and for understanding the expectations of the main stakeholders.

In view of the commitment and ambition, Corticeira Amorim has identified 12 SDGs as priorities for its Sustainable Development Strategy: SDG3, SDG4, SDG5, SDG6, SDG7, SDG8, SDG9, SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG15 and SDG17.

The strategic alignment of the entire organization is enhanced by the use of the balanced scorecard methodology, with the Board of Directors responsible for approving the strategic objectives, strategic initiatives and priority actions, and the Executive Committee for their regular monitoring.

Corticeira Amorim has an E.S.G. (CESG), a permanent specialized internal committee, with the mission of advising you on the monitoring, supervision and strategic guidance of Corticeira Amorim in the field of corporate governance, social responsibility, environment and ethics matters.

The teams responsible for implementing sustainable development practices in each BU, implement the initiatives and actions that are necessary to meet the defined objectives and regularly monitor their performance. It is also up to them to identify and propose necessary actions to support the fulfilment of the defined objectives and goals, to carry out internal and external benchmarks to leverage organisational performance and to identify and propose new challenges.

Strategic sustainability priorities

Act appropriately and ethically, with transparency and responsibility, in favor of competitiveness and the creation of long-term value.

Our main goals

  • Integrate measures related to climate change;
  • Protect labour rights;
  • Foster balanced, prudent management and sustainability;
  • Be transparent and accountable;
  • Sustain economic growth.

Strengthen responsible production and consumption and preferentially select suppliers that adopt good ESG practices.

Our main goals

  • Eradicate forced labour and child labour;
  • Promote sustainable management and efficient use of resources;
  • Strengthen partnerships for sustainable development.

Preserving ecosystems and ecosystem services by increasing knowledge, mobilising resources and proposing measures.

Our main goals

  • Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard cultural and natural heritage;
  • Promote the implementation of sustainable forest management and mobilise resources;
  • Integrate the values ​​of ecosystems and biodiversity.

Reduce the environmental impact of operations through the adoption of renewable, affordable and efficient solutions.

Our main goals

  • Increase the use of renewable energies;
  • Improve energy efficiency;
  • Reduce negative environmental impact;
  • Increase water use efficiency.

Apply the principles of the circular economy through waste reduction, prolonging the life of materials and regenerating natural systems.

Our main goals

  • Improve the efficiency of global resources, achieving sustainable management;
  • Substantially reduce waste generation, reducing, recycling and reusing materials;
  • Manage the use of chemical products in an environmentally sound manner.

Maintain a proactive role in the development of the already vast field of application of cork, supported by the innate characteristics of the material.

Our main goals

  • Strengthen resilience and capacity to mitigate and adapt to climate-related risks;
  • Modernize infrastructure and rehabilitate industries to make them sustainable;
  • Reduce negative environmental impact.

Promote personal and professional development for all.

Our main goals

  • Ensure training for all;
  • Ensuring equal access to opportunities;
  • Ending all forms of discrimination.

Ensure the safety, health and physical and psychological well-being of workers, promoting adequate work environments.

Our main goals

  • Promote safe and secure work environments for all workers;
  • Provide access to quality essential health services;
  • Reduce the number of accidents at work.

Leverage economic growth in a sustainable and inclusive way, ensuring efficient production and decent work for all.

Our main goals

  • Sustain economic growth;
  • Strengthen the global partnership for sustainable development.

Support and promote research, development and innovation and promote sustainable solutions.

Our main goals

  • Support productive activities, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation;
  • Strengthen scientific research.

Sustainability Management

The Board of Directors of Corticeira Amorim, chaired by the Chairman & CEO and comprising the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO), is responsible for promoting ESG issues in the business, as well as approving the strategic objectives, strategic initiatives and priority actions.

Periodic monitoring is carried out by the Executive Committee. The day-to-day management of ESG issues is under the leadership of the CSO and coordination of the Head of Corporate Sustainability (HCS), together with the other support areas and those responsible for sustainability of the five BUs. Each BU has a team responsible for supporting the implementation of the Sustainability Strategy.

Other subjects of Governance

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